Bathroom though the most private and less needed room in a house, deserves a beautiful look. In the recent years granite has gained popularity as a construction material. Earlier marbles and granites were used for constructing sacred places. But now it has made its way to the kitchen and bathrooms. It is a natural stone with a stylish look which lasts for long and gives an awesome look to the kitchen.

Properties of a granite countertop

The use of granite bathroom countertops gives a modern look to the bathroom. Such countertops require less cleaning and are easy to maintain. The hard surface of granite and its vivid colors makes it a hot favorite for homeowners as well as the constructors. Such granite are also popular for numerous other reasons.

  • Granite can resist stains and scratches.
  • They also protect against mildew and mold.
  • Huge variety of colors like white, gold, metallic, grey, tan, black, green and blue and patterns like swirls, specks and veins are available.
  • Most of countertops from any home decor shops come pre-sealed and no sealing is required. This makes the installation process easier. They also come with a warranty period of 15 years. But the diamond like hard texture of granite makes these countertops lasts lifelong.
  • They can accommodate any patterns of sink and fixtures.

Any home décor shops like the bathroom granite installation offers a huge variety of granite color and pattern to choose from and their store associates are there to help with the job.

How to clean a Granite bathroom countertop?

Soaking in a luxurious tub after a long and tiring day is like heaven. Granite bathroom countertops are one of the most stylish and functional addition to give the bathroom a classy look. But to maintain a granite countertop regular maintenance is needed. The greatest enemy of any bathroom is stains. Various grooming items like lotions, sprays, creams, gels and soaps give way to stain. If such stains are not removed from the countertop surface regularly, then this will lead to permanent staining of the countertop destroying the luster. Any stain on the countertop surface should be blotted up instantly with a soft cloth. A cleaner can be used to remove the remaining stain. A naturally made cleaner which acts more effectively is a mixture of 1 cup of white flour and a few drops of a liquid dish washer. If a stain is stubborn and about 2-3 days old then after applying the cleaner it can be kept covered overnight with a plastic wrap and scrubbed the next morning. Professionals like the bathroom granite installation MD suggest not using a cleaner with acidic property. Apart from cleaning stains a daily cleaning is necessary to keep the shine of the granite countertop intact. No cleaner or any other tool is required to clean the countertop daily. All one needs to do is rub the surface by soaking a cloth in a dish detergent. The remaining detergent and water should then be cleaned with a dry cloth.

Granite countertops make a bathroom luxurious and functional at the same time. As granites come in a variety of shades of color and different patterns so, it can complement any theme and can make a bathroom look unique from any other rooms of a house. The expert professionals of bathroom granite installation are always there to assist in any commercial and domestic countertop installation.

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