Divorce is not an easy process in any sense of the word. However, when attorneys get involved and start playing games to get an edge over the opposing side, things may get quite heated. When it comes to couples with a “win at all costs” mentality, this is also the case. Your best hope here is to have good divorce lawyers on your side. You’ll be more equipped to cope with your spouse’s sly ploys if you do this.

We’ve compiled a collection of examples of how spouses use psychological abuse and other forms of deception to their advantage in court. If you think any of these may happen in your situation, you may want to be prepared.

The most typical methods spouses employ to obtain a divorce

The ability to see a power play or a plan is the most critical requirement you’ll need. Secondly, it is critical to remain calm and composed rather than launching a full-scale attack immediately. If you don’t, things will only become worse. Finally, it’s critical to plan time wherever possible. You’ll also need to take some proactive measures to fight your spouse’s power play.

Divorce lawyers on the opposite end may use the following examples to deceive you:

Removing money from a bank account

When two individuals share a bank account, they have something they can rely on. Bills are likely to be bounced if all funds are transferred to an account in which the opposite party is not involved. In addition, there will be a slew of additional bills that must be taken care of immediately. As a result, the victim is forced to deal with all their financial responsibilities on their own, as if they were a single parent. The other person may potentially become financially dependent on you as a result.

Combining several lines of credit

Money is required for everything from hiring a lawyer to deciding on divorce. People often use up their whole credit limit before the decree is completed as a result.

If one of the partners uses the shared credit card to make substantial expenditures, the other person will be left with few choices. One spouse will have to agree to go to court and absorb the current debt.

Refusing to contribute financially to the property

This approach, known as “starving the other spouse out,” is frequently employed by a toxic partner during a divorce. After moving out, the major breadwinner ceases to provide financial assistance to the home. Your spouse’s primary purpose here would be to starve you to the point where you’d be unable to stand up for yourself and accept unfavourable settlements.

Delaying the payment of full child support

Even if they have the money ready, spouses may sometimes wait until the last minute to give child support. In the absence of an income withholding order, this is often the case. As a result, the other spouse does not get any financial assistance until 31 days have elapsed from the payment’s order.

Refusing to talk

To ensure a peaceful divorce, it is essential to agree on the conditions. To increase legal bills, cause friction, and exhaust their partner, spouses will sometimes refuse to speak to the other side at all.


These strategies are used by toxic spouses, and it is critical to be aware of them. If you’re concerned that you could be a victim of one of these scams, go to a divorce attorney Fairfax VA as soon as possible. You will be able to protect yourself in this manner! Make sure that you are choosing the most experienced lawyer for your own good.

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