The next step for a couple in love is to throw a brilliant engagement party without or with the help of party rental companies. Here are some ideas for throwing one such memorable party.

Sunday brunch – Try to keep the celebration simple with a Sunday brunch. Spread out an assortment of your favorite breakfast, at the same time experimenting with some unique display options while allowing the guests to enjoy their morning coffee. Do not go overboard with the decor, maybe arrange a few potted plants near the food platter.

Cocktail party – If you enjoy partying all night, rent a club or convert your home into a lounge to host a cocktail party. Ensure you have a well-stocked bar. Get a dance floor with lighting options. Keep the party going all night with some good music. Send an invite that sets the tone for the cocktail party. Handover a drink mix to your friends and family as a recognition for being part of your precious moment in your life.

Traditional family dinner – If looking for something more personal, host a traditional dinner party to celebrate the news with friends and family members. Make reservations at your preferred restaurant or make a potluck dinner. To make your invite look interesting include a drink recipe for your signature cocktail that you plan to serve at your engagement party.

Throw a surprise party – If you want to keep the engagement a secret and want to announce it to your much-loved friends and family members, throw a surprise party. Ask all the near and dear ones to attend, but keep mum about it. You can keep the announcement simple or elaborate such as making a movie trying to reenact the proposal.

Borrow from the past – Have you been to a lot of engagement parties revolving around the 1920s theme where guests turn up in tapered coats, free flowing gowns, bejeweled headdress and feather boa? Why not shift a bit and think about what was happening in Russia, Africa around that time? Pick a particular country and do a bit of research in terms of fashion, culture and history around that time. This effort can make the party more exciting.

A wine party – Host your engagement party in a vineyard. Get a party bus to pick up your guest and give each one of them a bottle as they move around. Ensure there are canapes while the tour guide is taking all of you around. If you do not want to go on a wine tour, hire a wine aficionado to come to your place with some amazing choices. Your friends can do some swirling and sniffing.

If short of ideas, get in touch with a wedding party supplies to suggest themes for your engagement party

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