Wedding is your big day, and you’re going to cherish the memories forever. Therefore, choosing your big day look is a matter of concern and choosing the right hair color and balayage services is vital.

With that said, have you decided on your hair color yet? Here are hair color dos and don’ts for brides that will help you bomb your final look.

Hair Color Do’s Know What You Want

This is the point every hairstylist talks about. They want you to know what exactly you want. You can’t just go to the stylist a month before your wedding, and that too with a blank slate. For a better experience, first, you need to decide what your dream look is.

In this regard, hair stylists suggest that, if you had seen someone getting a hair color before their wedding which inspired you. Then, you can bring the picture. It will help you discuss with your stylist if that exact look is going to suit you or not. Or else, you guys can go for something different.

Choose Your Team

For many brides, their usual hairstylist goes good for their wedding as well. But, do keep in mind that being a wedding hairstylist is not everyone’s cup of tea. So, you just can’t simply rely on your usual stylist.

I would suggest, give your hair ample time and try different stylists. Get different hair treatments, cuts and colors. Also, wait for two months to change your stylist. Observe how the specific color comes out after some days, as it takes a few days for the desired color to settle.

Plan Ahead

The most important part of hair coloring for the wedding is to give it as much time as you can. Many hairstylists say that you should start planning it six months before the wedding. Even some say it must be planned a year ahead. Well, it also depends on your situation, when you plan to get married. Obviously, you can’t wait a year for the sake of hair color only. That’s lame!

But the point is to plan ahead. So that you can take care of your hair and also can decide what suits you actually.

Hair Color Don’ts

Don’t Be Too Risky

After you’re done deciding that either you want a all-over hair color or just the highlights. Let’s explore what you should not do for your wedding. And in this list, the primary point you must focus on is not to go out of limits.

For instance, if you’ve never tried silver-blonde before, never risk it then a week before your wedding. Otherwise, what are you going to do then? There’s no way back. You have to wait then until the color itself goes away. Don’t be too drastic. Play safe, or else keep trying different colors a long time before your wedding to see if such a color suits you or not. Also, make sure your wedding dress goes pretty with the hair color.

Don’t Compromise Over The Products

The health of your hair is what matters by the end of the day. Or are you planning to go bald after your wedding? If you’ve never colored or bleached your hair, there’s going to a huge mess. After bleaching, no doubt your hair suffers from a lot of hair damage. But that’s only in the case of ignorance and carelessness. Otherwise, all the celebrities in the world would have gone bald by now.

Therefore, never compromise on the products you need to use before and after the hair color. For this, you can ask your hair colorist about what products they’re using. Make sure of the safety and health of your hair. Also, you can use those products at home to maintain the good health of your hair. Even if those products are expensive, bear with them. You can stop using them after your wedding.

Do Not Rush Into Decisions

Lastly, coloring your hair is a significant matter of concern. And you never want to shift your comfort look for a single day, until or unless you’re damn sure about it. So, do not rush into decisions. Give yourself enough time to decide. And then, if you don’t want it, don’t do it. There are alternative options as well, such as wigs and hairpieces. But don’t make any decisions without consulting the specialist from the hair salon you have selected. hypno

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