Cleaning your chimney is not an easy task. Months of soot buildup requires proper tools and techniques to clean up best done by chimney cleaning services. Although there are several options available in the market, if you are planning to stretch your budget then we can help you make your own homemade chimney cleaner. Let’s discuss!

Making A DIY Chimney Cleaner

To make a homemade chimney cleaner you are going to need vinegar, water, baking soda, and ammonia solution. To make the solution, mix one gallon of water into a cup of ammonia, ¼ cup baking soda, and half a cup of vinegar. Before you proceed with using the solution to clean the chimney, make sure that you lay down tarps to catch any soot that falls to the surface. Furthermore, it is possible that the solution irritates your skin as well, therefore, wear gloves and cover the exposed parts of the body.

Once you have laid down the tarps and covered yourself, use a brush to scrub the solution inside the chimney. Then, use another brush to wipe any leftovers. Keep in mind that the soot falling can enter your eyes as well. Therefore, protect your eyes by wearing protection glasses.

In addition to that, the intensity of the cleaning process depends on the type of chimney. If your chimney allows easy access, then you can quickly and easily clean it. However, if the chimney makes it hard for you to clean it, you are going to put in more effort and time.

How To Make A Homemade Chimney Brush?

If you were not aware, you can make your own DIY chimney brush as well. To do that, purchase a roll of wire netting from any local store. These wires are also available at a garden supply or hardware stores. Make sure that the wires are bendable and fine. Moreover, purchase other materials as well such as rope or wire cutters that you might need during the process.

Once you have purchased the items, use the wire cutters to cut the wire netting and bend into a ball shape. Size of the wire you need to take depends on the size of your chimney. Then, place the wire ball into the burlap sack. There is no universal rule for deciding the amount of wire needed. Right size of the brush is important because if it is too big, it won’t fit the chimney and if it’s too small, it will take a lot of time to clean the chimney.

Now along with the wires place some chains into the burlap sack. This is done to add weight to the chimney brush. The weight also allows better cleaning of the chimney. If you observe that the brush is light, simply add more chains. Then, tightly tie the burlap sack, making sure it does not open while cleaning.

Proceed to attach a rope to the burlap sack. Again, make sure that you tighten it and lower the homemade brush into the chimney. Ensure that the rope attached to the burlap sack is long enough to cover the entire chimney.

How Often Do I Need To Clean The Chimney?

Cleaning the chimney mostly depends on the frequency of usage. If you are using the fireplace regularly, then you are going to need to clean it at least once every month. However, if you are not using cleaning logs, then creosote will build up and you will need to call professional services.

On the other hand, using cleaning logs will take professional maintenance to once a year. However, in between, you should sweep the chimney, if possible, to prevent soot buildup. Soot buildup can be dangerous and harmful as it can catch fire. Therefore, when it is time, make sure that the chimney is cleaned.

Final Word

You see, making your own homemade chimney cleaner and brush is not that difficult after all. Keep in mind that the solution and brush will not get rid of the buildup completely. For that, you will be needing the help of chimney contractors Ellicott City who will clean every inch of the place. You can also get an chimney inspection done and get repair and cleaning done in the same session if the repairs are minor.

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