Troubleshooting your freezer

Is your freezer not cold enough to make ice or preserve food for a longer duration? Then you may need to contact local appliance repair company.  Is there a lot of frost built up? Are you frozen meats looking burnt? Does your refrigerator make lot of noise all the time? Remember to check the power supply before you decide to inspect the thermostat levels. Read on to know what you need to do if your freezer stops working:

• Check the temperature controls inside the freezer. By rotating the dial to a colder temperature, you will be able to fix it. Remember only minor adjustments are required. Freezers are usually controlled by a dial present inside the wall or a digital display on the fridge door. If you have an old freezer, the level of cooling is rated between A (warmest) to E (coldest). You need to set your freezer somewhere at C for better results. If you have a digital control, then you can use a cooking thermometer to record the inside temperature, it should be around -17°C or 0°F. Adjust the temperature accordingly.

• Make sure there is enough space in the freezer for the door to shut properly. Things like bottle, jars, containers can keep the freezer door slightly open and thus allowing air to escape. Remove some of the items if required.

• Ensure that the freezer is not set to defrost mode, instead it should be cooling. Most of the freezers have a defrost setting which can melt the ice built on the walls of the freezer. Defrost mode can be controlled by adjusting the temperature settings.

• Confirm the door seal is not damaged otherwise it can allow cold air to escape easily. Even minute holes in the door seal can lead to an increase in the temperature. Try putting a dollar bill between the door and if it comes out without any resistance, then you need to replace the door seal.

• You can move your refrigerator to a cooler area, away from oven, dryers and other heat appliances. There should be at least an inch of air space around the refrigerator otherwise it could lead to warming of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Hot weather can also increase the internal temperature of your refrigerator.

• If you can hear sound coming from the back of the refrigerator then there can be problem with the compressor. There is a possibility of dust accumulating on the condenser coil.

If you are unable to solve the problem, it is best to call a qualified appliance repairman to fix your freezer.

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