An allergy is a reaction of the human body to certain types of environment, food or a hygiene condition. A lot of people have allergies and it’s quite common in some seasons than in others. You should go through allergy testing to proceed with proper treatment.

How Are Allergies Identified?

Allergies can be identified by a number of things. Some of the most common trackers of allergies are as follows:

  • Your eyes will feel swollen
  • Your eyes feel watery and they turn red
  • You cannot breathe in certain environments (usually places with a lot of dust and debris)
  • Your nose feels blocked and stuffy, without any complain of a fever or runny nose beforehand
  • Your skin may become red, if you have an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions are mostly topical and can occur on the hands, feet, face and skin on the body

These are some of the most common and known identifiers of allergies.

There are many types of allergies. The most common types are skin/topical allergies, respiratory allergies, pollen allergies, and food allergies. But, how do you know if you suffer from one of these allergies? Well, here are some things you can do to find out if you have a certain allergy to something or not.

Diagnosis of Allergies

Blood Tests

Blood tests are the easiest and common way to find out whether you are suffering from an allergy or not. Blood tests are usually done for allergies which are hard to identify through skin tests.

If your body doesn’t have a physical reaction to the allergen, then it might be hard to identify the allergy topically. Whenever there is a huge or bad rash on the skin, the reason may be boiled down to an allergy, but some allergies have so significant topical effect, and cannot be identified unless a detailed blood test is done.

Some allergies are naked to the human eye, which is why diagnostic tests serve as an excellent source to point out and identify the type of allergy, you might be suffering from.

Blood tests usually measure the number of antibodies you have in your body. If the antibodies are less than the normal range, then you are a potential candidate for allergies. So, the next time you feel like something funny is going on in your body and you can’t physically see it, then you might want to visit the doctor so that he/she can run a few blood tests on you and find out the actual problem.

Skin Tests

Skin tests can also be done to identify if a person is suffering from an allergy or not. Skin tests are usually done when there is a physical appearance of the effect of the allergy on your skin.

If you have severe redness on your skin or a bad rash, and if it came out of nowhere, then you might want to get it checked as soon as possible. This test usually gives accurate results. The way that doctors perform this test is by a technique called scratching. Scratching is a process in which the nurse tests your skin with an allergen. The allergen might be a pet’s hair, dust, debris, fungus, etc. The nurse will make a small incision on your skin.

The incision is not deep enough to hurt you or make you bleed, but it is enough for the allergen to penetrate deep. The allergen is placed in your skin, then the waiting game is played. After some time, if you are sensitive to the allergen, then you will develop an allergic reaction, quickly.

The allergic reaction may be severe redness, uncontrollable itching or it can be a huge patch of redness on the skin, which will feel slightly warm to the touch. These tests, then, can identify the allergen which you may be allergic to.

Skin tests are recommended by allergy specialist doctors due to the fact that they give fast results and they are mostly accurate. But there is one downside to it. Since this test is more invasive, in terms of making an incision in your skin, most patients are afraid to undergo this test, which is understandable.

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