Common allergy symptoms in kids can occur due to changing environmental conditions, or variation in the food habits, and even due to continued interaction with the pets. If the symptoms are not taken care of, it is very likely that kids suffer from acerbic reactivity, which can soon change to aggressive form.

Classification of Common Allergies in Kids

Most of the allergies that show up in the childhood, affect the overall development of kids, leading to various types of medical related issues.

Here are few prevalent and most common allergy symptoms seen in kids:

  • Food allergies are one of the most commonly known allergies seen in the growing kids. The prominent foods that help in contributing to approximately 90 percent of food allergies includes milk, eggs, tree nuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and walnuts, fish (like cod, bass, flounder), soy, wheat and the shellfish (like crab, shrimp and the lobster). Furthermore, there are also few children, who can become reactive, when accustomed to citrus fruits. If you are not food label detective, obviously, you do not have any idea on what is being eaten by your lovable kid.
  • Hay fever is the potential source of allergies, and this can severely affect breathing in your kid. The fever might show the signs of shortness of breath, or noisy wheeze, or hacking cough with passage of mucus and much more. You also need to keep a close watch on routine movement of your kids, especially when they are playing. Make sure they are not feeling tired or showing any kind of restlessness.
  • Problems in the stomach can also become one of the key starters of allergies in your kids. Your kid can complain of muscular cramps, frequent diarrhea, or localized pain, which might persist. Headache and unwarranted fatigue can also occur at any point of time. In some children there is crabbiness and hyperactivity too.

State of the Art Allergy Centers in Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg is an awesome city with strategic presence, due to its closeness to Montgomery County, Maryland. The city takes pride in its state of the art allergy centers, which not just have highly qualified team of professionals, but advanced equipment too. The allergy center provides treatment as well as professional advice to different types of kids’ allergies, such as running nose, itchiness, tingling, ear scratching, reddishness of the skin, swollen eyes, or anything that falls within allergy.

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